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Calvary Connection News

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5 th - Calvary – Ad Council Meeting – 7pm

8 th - Calvary – Trustees – 7pm

13th - Plumer – Council – 7pm

20th – Calvary – Worship – 7pm

November committee meetings:

10th - Plumer – Council – 7pm

12th – Calvary – Trustees – 7pm

16th – Calvary – Ad Council


Sunday Mornings

9:00 - 9:20 

Meeting in the Youth Room


"for my house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations."  Isaiah 56:7

New Procedure for Altar Flowers.  If you have a specific date(s) you want for 2020, please call the Church Secretary as soon as possible, you will need to let her know what you would like to appear in the bulletin, and if you will be taking the flowers after church or what you would like the Altar Guild to do with the flowers.
There is a new flower chart in the back entryway.  Please fill in the date there too.  You may also ask the Church Secretary to enter your name if you are not able to attend Church. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Bev Hipwell @ 6763-6025. Thank You

A note about transition: All transitions within the church affect everyone in the church, the exiting pastor, the new pastor(s), and the congregation. With this in mind we are asked to share this bit of information with all members of the church. I, Pastor Ali, will be your pastor until June 30th. The Conference does allow a 2 week transition time for the pastors now where we finish packing, debrief, etc before starting in a new parish setting. With this in mind, my last Sunday will be May 30th. My last day in the office will be June 3rd (plus Annual Conference days at home on zoom). I will be taking the rest of my vacation time from June 6th-13th and from June 14th - 30th that is the transitional time. If a pastoral care issue comes up during this time, please contact the church office or Dave Mock (Council Pres- 814-493-4263) as either will know whom to call to cover your needs. At this time, we do not have a parsonage address or know where we will be living or when we will be moving but when we get this info, we will pass it along. My prayers are with the churches as they transition from one pastor to the next as well. The other piece of information that needs addressed is that as of July 1st, Pastor Tom and the yet to be named pastor for Calvary will be your pastors. This means I will become the pastor to the Fairview/Weis Library/Girard/ Lake City Charge and Pastor Tom (Plumer) and the yet to be named pastor for Calvary are the ones to go to for spiritual support, when you are in need, etc. Once a pastor moves on to another appointment or retirement setting they are no longer your pastor and should not be called to do pastoral duties such as funerals, weddings, hospital visits, or baptisms. If you would really like a former pastor to be present at such an occasion, you must ask your respective pastor if someone may come back to assist in the service and the invitation needs to come through the current pastor only. These are long standing rules within the denomination and Conference.




Thursday @ 10am



Thursday @ 7am

We are continuing to post a worship service in the following places. Our Facebook Page: Calvary UMC Oil City, Pa You Tube: Calvary UMC Oil City On our Website: If you are unable to join in-person, please join us online, Please be Safe as we make our way through the current situation.

2021 Jumonville Summer Camp Registration: We will be utilizing the same system as last year. If you created an account last year, use the same account and login for this year. You can register online. Remember a parent/guardian will create a single-family account and register the campers for the events that are available. All required forms can also be completed here. If you need assistance, contact the office. The brochure will be mailed when it is ready. If you need extra copies of the brochure for either your family or your friends, you can call the Jumonville office (724) 439-4912 and we will mail them to you. We can also send them directly to your friends if you give us their contact information.

Wesley Woods Christian Camp & Conference Center It’s time to think about 2021 Register for SUMMER CAMP 2021 TODAY! Visit our web-site for a list of camps. Be part of “The Comeback” Lower camp costs All-camp worship every night Improved facilities and new equipment (We also have a Covid-cancellation refund policy in place, and hope we don’t have to use it.)

2021 Jumonville Summer Staff Application is now open! Working at a summer camp will help you gain knowledge and skills that future employers will love to have! Check out the many positions we have to offer and complete the online application by visiting Come have one of the best summers of your life!

Church Walking Tour – This summer the Oil City Ministerium in conjunction with the sesquicentennial of Oil City and Oil City Heritage Days are hoping to be able to provide a church walking tour of our local churches. The trustees have agreed to the use of the building for us to be a part of the tour, we just need a person willing to share some history of our church with people who are on the tour. It is not known if there will be one larger group or various smaller groups so we would need someone willing to possibly share the story a few times (15 minute presentation). It will be one day only, on a Sat afternoon either before Heritage Week or during Heritage Week. If you are willing to participate as the tour speaker, please let Pastor Ali know ASAP so we can be put in the brochure and included in the walking tour. (Without a speaker, we will not be a part of the tour.)

As of July 1, Bishop Cynthia has appointed Rev. Jodie Smith as the District Superintendent of the Indiana District as well as continuing as the Franklin DS. While this, in many ways, seems overwhelming, essentially doubling the number of churches she will serve, she is also excited to be part of something new. The church is changing and there is no doubt that more changes are coming. She firmly believes that we have to be proactive to meet the challenges of the future

Pastor Rick Harry Will be Supply Preaching For Pastor Ali The Month of June.

march picture (2019_04_21 01_47_07 UTC).

Youth For Christ

Vision Statement YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to prayer and the Word of God, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement.

Every day at thousands of community centers, high schools, middle schools, juvenile institutions, coffee shops, and local hangouts, YFC staff and volunteers meet with young people who need Jesus. We are rural and urban and we are always about the message of Jesus.


YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like

 - minded  partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to prayer and the Word of God, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement.

Microphone Icon Brown

Youth Leader Retreat From Friday, September 10, 2021 to Sunday, September 12, 2021 at Olmsted Manor, Ludlow, Pa 16333. Duffy Robbins will be the keynote speaker. Contact person: Amanda Gilligan

Girl with Leather Backpack

Canadian Wilderness Canoe Trip 2021 from Monday, July 26 to Wednesday, August 4. Join us for a week of wilderness canoeing and camping in the north woods of Ontario. (The trip will be relocated to the Adirondacks if the Canadian border does not reopen in time). For seven days and nights, travel through a rugged and beautiful land of lakes, rivers, and forests. Look for wildlife and camp on the lakeshore. Around the campfire, we learn about God, the wonders of his creation, and what it means to follow Jesus in community. This trip is physically demanding and involves primitive camping. Previous canoeing and camping experience is helpful, but not necessary. The cost includes canoeing and camping equipment, transportation and most meals. Open to adults and teens at least 15 years old (14 with approval of trip leaders). If you are 19 or older, you must have a passport. Cost: $475 for adults 18+, $445 for under 18. If registered and paid in full by June 1 there is a $25 discount. Trip will be led by Revs. Scott Hamley, Doug Burns, Craig Lindahl and Paige Townley. For more information, contact: Rev. Scott Hamley,

Save the Date: Olmsted Manor’s two annual women's retreats are set to be held in-person in April and October this year. Mark your calendars to join us for these fun and restorative events. Fall Women's Retreat - Sunday-Tuesday, October 24-26, 2021 w/ leader Rev. Dawn Hand

We are continuing to post a worship service in the following places. Our Facebook Page: Calvary UMC Oil City, Pa You Tube: Calvary UMC Oil City On our Website: If you are unable to join in-person, please join us online, Please be Safe as we make our way through the current situation

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